Thursday 15 March 2012


With the kids at school, us Mums are always being asked to donate cupcakes for school stalls etc. These little cupcakes are PERFECT for a school stall, or for your Easter table. They are appealing to the eye and they are super easy to make.

~ 1 packet of Easter themed cupcakes cases
~ 1 cake packet mix (makes about 12 cupcakes) *Tip: if you are using white or light coloured cupcake cases like in the picture above, choose a light cake mix like vanilla or butter cake. If you use chocolate, you will have to double cup them.
~ Chocolate icing
~ Zip lock bag
~ 1 packet of chocolate speckled eggs, or some other kind of unwrapped eggs.

What to do:
1. Make your cupcakes as per the packet. Like I said above, if you choose to make chocolate cupcakes, you will likely have to double cup them as the dark brown colour and oils will soak into the paper and spoil your Easter designs on your cupcakes cases. I always find that my packet cake mix makes exactly 12. You need only fill your cupcake cases about 2/3 of the way up the cases. Bake and allow to cool.
2. To decorate them, make up some chocolate buttercream icing as per your recipe or directions on the pack. Spread a tiny bit over the entire top of all the cupcakes with a knife, not too thickly. Then place the remainder of your chocolate icing inside a zip lock bag and expel the air and zip up tight. Gently squeeze the icing to one corner and snip a tiny bit off the corner with scissors. As you now squeeze you will get a skinny little wiggly line of icing come out.
3. Squeezing the icing out through your make-shift piping bag, go around and around the outer edge of your cakes wiggling and making it messy until you have something that resembles a nest. After you complete the first cupcake, then stop and move to step 4.
4. Take your bag of speckles eggs and fill the centre of your nest with 5 or 6 of them (depending on their size and how many you have. Be sure to split them between your cakes evenly). Go back to icing your next cake.
5. Do each individual cupcake this way so that when your eggs are placed in the centre, the icing is still wet and your eggs will stick so that they won't fall out.
6. THAT'S IT! Arrange them on a plate and see all your friends be impressed.

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