To make 4 you'll need: ~A pack of plastic takeaway style containers.
(These are available at supermarkets for about $4 for a pk of 4, but I recently got a 6 pk from Chicken Feed for $2. You will find something suitable at most bargain shops.)
~2 kg bag of rice.
(Choose a cheap generic brand.)
~1 length of 8mm wooden dowel.
(Available from the local hardware for a couple of dollars.)
~1 pack of water bomb balloons.
(Available from supermarket for a few dollars for 300 balloons.)
~Curling ribbon in desired colours.
(Best value ribbon can be bought from most bargain shops for $2 per spool.)
~Foil cellophane, tissue paper or other decorative paper to cover your containers.
(Again, bargain shops are cheapest for this.)
~Balloon pump* if you don't already have one.
(*This would be a tool I would suggest that you invest in. It's also great for blowing up pool inflatables and the like, and only costs a couple of dollars.)
What to do:
1. Plug in your hot glue gun to start heating up.
2. Cut your dowel into 4 x 50cm lengths. The easiest way I've found to do this is to use garden pruners suitable for small branches.
3. Take the lids of your containers and drill holes in the middle slightly smaller than the diameter of your dowel.
4. Open your rice and have it handy ready to fill your containers. Then poke your dowel through the hole in the lid from the bottom up until the amount of dowel on the under side is a little more than the depth of the container.
5. Squeeze some hot glue to the bottom of the stick and press it to the middle of the inside of the container. This will stop your stick from moving and keep your balloons from looking like The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
6. While holding the stick with one hand, pour your rice into the container until it's half filled. This may be awkward on your own so you might want to grab a helper. Then push the lid down the dowel and secure to the container. You can tape the lid down for extra security if necessary.
8. The next step is to cover your dowel. I like to cover mine with coordinating ribbon. Wide ribbon works best. Tape it at the top and wind it down the stick by holding it with one hand while twisting the stick with the other. Secure well at the bottom with tape.
9. Cut about a metre of ribbon in each colour you wish to use. Hold them all together and find the middle. Place the ribbon over the end of the dowel and secure all the way around with tape. This will also cover any rough spots that may have occurred from cutting the dowel so as not to bust your balloons.
10. Using your balloon pump, inflate your water bomb balloons. You will need about 9 per topiary. 3 colour combinations look best, so 3 of each colour works well.
11. Once inflated tie your balloons together with some fine thread. Fishing line or sewing thread is perfect and not easily seen. Tie them in colour pattern and not more than a couple of inches apart.
12. After tying, take the first balloon and thread and tape it to the top of your stick so that the end us covered by the balloon. Then wind it around the top until all balloons are against the stick. Where the last balloon touches the stick, push them up until they look bunched at the top. Then secure the last balloon and thread to the dowel with tape. If the colours don't look random, you will now be able to move them around until they look even. Cut off any extra thread.
13. Cut your sheet of cello into 4 equal sized pieces. Your sheet will be slightly rectangle. Place your container in the middle. Take the shorter sides and tape them to the top of the container. Then take the other sides and gather them around the stick, tying it in place with some curling ribbon. All that's left to do now is curl the ribbon hanging down your stick and then do the other 3!
*Tip - if making these for yourself, don't throw them away when you're done. You can use them over and over and save even more money.
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